Streaming video is content sent in compressed form over the Internet and displayed by the viewer in real time.
How the world works?!
The elixir of life.
Popular sites, blogs and tutorials for learning Graphic Design.
Everything related to graphic design.
A list of Google's global products and websites. This is an official list and excludes regional domains, products or services.
File storage, file hosting and cloud storage solutions and apps.
Everything related to entertainment.
Ethereum is an open source platform based on blockchain technology that enables developers to write and distribute decentralized applications.
Tools and software related to design.
Must know websites for design inspiration.
Design related websites, software, online platforms and more.
A curated list of 200+ blogs related to Data Science.
Web apps that allow people to create, edit and share videos with ease
All rolling information/websites about 2019–20 Coronavirus Pandemic.
Sites that aggregate and organize content.
Consumer software is a class of commercial software that is sold directly to end-users as opposed to businesses.
All kinds of blogs.
Browser plugins and tools to block ads.