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Create Videos

Create Videos

Web apps that allow people to create, edit and share videos with ease

Create Videos (16)


Make great videos, easily. Turn ordinary photos and video clips into stunning, HD videos with Animoto's online video maker.


Make and share videos using WeVideo's online video editing software, available on Android, iPhone, iPad, Mac, PC and Chromebook.


Slidely - Create, share and discover visual moments in beautiful and creative ways.


Make your own animation quickly and economically with GoAnimate. Reach prospects and customers with animated videos online about your business and products.


Automatically turn videos and photos into beautifully edited movies.


Website video creation service, Flixpress is a groundbreaking service where you can create high-end video and animation online in your website browser, ideal .


Make beautiful videos, online, easily!


Add text, effects and music to create movies with our easy-to-use Slideshow and Video Maker. Share online, burn to DVD, or download to computer.


Make a video online with wideo! Create professional marketing videos. Try out our video templates. Create explainer videos.


Moovly is a free online application to create animated videos and other multimedia content without being an expert: explainer videos, animated


Turn your photos, videos, music and text into stunning video slideshows with ProShow slideshow software.


Make a professional animated promo video to boost your business sales.

Movie Maker Online

Instanly online movie maker. Upload pictures and favorite music to make video easy. No make movie software download required. No watermark.


Signup for your free Biteable video maker account and you're all set to create professional animated videos.


MASHER lets you create a video online by mixing together your photos, music, text, and special effects and share it with friends, family or customers.


Create professional video ads online in minutes. With over 20 million stunning clips and images to choose from, making a video commercial is easy. Free to try.

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