Joined on March 2020
Everything related to graphic design.
Ultimate list of web browsers.
Websites, blogs and education platforms for Online Learning.
Sites that aggregate and organize content.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
A list of top websites to improve product design, user interface and user experience.
Software and tools for digital advertising. Excludes Ad Networks.
Indian Astrology, horoscopes, online tarot readings and psychic readings websites.
Save money every-time you shop online using these websites, apps and tools for online coupons, deals, offers and discounts on online shopping.
Sites that curate and list tech stacks of various startups and technology companies.
Funny and entertaining websites that deal with jokes, meme, trolls and all fun stuff
TV Shows, TV Series, TV Channels, Online TV.
A list of Google's global products and websites. This is an official list and excludes regional domains, products or services.
Personality is defined as the set of habitual behaviors, cognitions and emotional patterns that evolve from biological and environmental factors.
List on online streaming services. Online streaming refers to watching movies, TV, etc. online and may include live video streaming as well.
A list of official Facebook websites
Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics.
Popular sites, blogs and tutorials for learning and mastering Photoshop.