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Facebook (official)

Facebook (official)

A list of official Facebook websites

Facebook (official) (22)


Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them.


Capture and Share the World's Moments. Instagram is a free and simple way to share your life and keep up with other people.


Cross-platform mobile messaging app for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Phone and Nokia. Send text, video, images, audio for free.

Facebook Research

Giving people the power to share and connect requires constant innovation.


Facebook Messenger, now with HD video calls

Facebook for Business

Create separate ad accounts for every client or business you serve, pay for ads with different payment methods, and organize by objective for reporting.

Whatsapp Web

Quickly send and receive WhatsApp messages right from your computer.


Oculus wants to make it possible to experience anything, anywhere, through the power of virtual reality. The Oculus Rift will be released in Q1 2016.

Atlas Solutions

Atlas Solutions Why Atlas.

Facebook f8

Facebook's annual global developer conference will be held at McEnery Convention Center in San Jose this April 18 and 19, 2017.

Facebook Marketing Developers

The Facebook Marketing API Accelerator is your path to serious ads API skills and significant technical developer support.

Facebook Newsroom

A new place to fundraise.

Facebook Code

Stay up-to-date via RSS with the latest open source project releases from Facebook, news from our Engineering teams, and upcoming events.

Fb Research

At Facebook, research permeates everything we do. We believe the most interesting research questions are derived from real world problems.

Oculus Connect

We’re bringing together the best VR creators, developers, and pioneers to drive the state of the industry forward at Oculus Connect 4, October 11 – 12 at the Sa

Fb Facebook360

Facebook 360. A stunning and captivating way for publishers and content creators to share immersive stories, places and experiences with their fans.

Messenger Bots

See how Messenger Platform can help you build personalized, custom communications with your business audience, along with examples of the best ai bots!

Facebook Live

Live video streaming is a fun, engaging way to connect with your followers and grow your audience. Start live streaming today with Facebook Live.

Facebook Investor Relations

Facebook Q2 2017 Earnings. Webcast . Q&A With Mark Latest Video. Latest SEC Filings All files. Investor Events View all. Investor News View all.

Facebook Workplace

Connect your whole organization with familiar tools, helping everyone in your business turn ideas into action.


FbStart is a program from Facebook designed to help early stage mobile startups build and grow their apps. is. Connecting the world. Means the whole world, not just some of us. OUR MISSION . Takes inventing new ways of doing things. OUR APPROACH .

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