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Alphr is for people who thrive on change. We cover the technologies revolutionising the way we work and the way we live.
A Timer and workout assistant for The 7-Minute Scientific Workout. You can do the workout anywhere you wish, no equipment needed.
Getting bored? Incredible Things provides you some interesting, crazy, funny, cool, weird, stuff, items, products, videos and more.
Freshness Mag is an online destination for streetwear fashion, contemporary menswear, sneakers and more.
Noteflight is an online music writing application that lets you create, view, print and hear music notation with professional quality.
The Spritz eReader is a student’s tool for mastering reading assignments.
Discover online classes taught by top instructors and industry experts. Take courses at your own pace.
Veoh is the premier watch movies online provider that you and your whole family are sure to love.
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