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Testing Tools

Testing Tools


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Cross-Browser Testing Tools (11)


Test your website for cross browser compatibility on real browsers. Instant access to multiple desktop and mobile browsers. Get Free Trial.


What is Browsershots? Browsershots makes screenshots of your web design in different operating systems and browsers. It is a ... 2005-2015


Cross browser testing on real browsers. Testing tool with 750+ browsers - Android devices, iPhones, iPads, Windows, & OSX. Free trial!


Live interactive cross-browser testing from your browser.


Free online HTML tool that shows instantly how your website looks like in Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, 6 and 5.5.


Bring your applications anywhere in portable containers. Access thousands of modern and legacy Windows® applications or install your own.


Cross Browser Selenium Testing Online. Test your website on different browsers and mobile devices.


Automation Testing Tool: Sahi Pro is a mature, business-ready tool for automation of web application testing. Sahi is also available as Open Source.


Cross browser testing tool BrowseEmAll. Test your website in more than 25 web and mobile browsers on your local machine. No cloud services involved!


Automated website layout testing service. Get a free report of your site's cross-browser problems.


Mogotest can compare a website, page-by-page, in a variety of different browsers. It can then spot visual errors, functionality errors, and more.

Application Testing (29)


Selenium automates browsers. That's it! What you do with that power is entirely up to you. Primarily, its for automating web applications for testing purposes.


Testing and Development teams around the world use SmartBear's automation, development and monitoring tools to build better software and applications.


SoapUI, is the world leading Open Source Functional Testing tool for API Testing. It supports multiple protocols such as SOAP, REST, HTTP, JMS, AMF and JDBC.

Load Impact

Load test your website, web app, mobile app or API instantly with up to 1.2 million concurrent users. Sign up to run 5 free tests a month.

Sauce Labs

Cross browser testing made awesome. Selenium testing, mobile testing, JS unit testing on over 700 OS/browser platforms. Sign up for a free trial.


CasperJS is a browser navigation scripting & testing utility written in Javascript for PhantomJS or SlimerJS.


Automated testing of desktop, web and mobile software with Ranorex test automation framework. Find bugs earlier and faster, download free 30-day trial.


Neotys' automated load testing and performance monitoring tools help you run Continuous Performance Validation on all your web & mobile applications


A portal on HPE UFT (formerly QTP) by Ankur Jain. Check our QTP tutorials, Q&A forums, training course, certification and articles on QTP.


Automation Testing Tool: Sahi Pro is a mature, business-ready tool for automation of web application testing. Sahi is also available as Open Source.


Vanamco provides tools for responsive web testing, website and app development. We help you speed up your business and improve the quality of your work.


Broken links can negatively affect your user experience and rankings. Use our powerful broken link checker tool to find & fix broken links on your website.


WAPT is a load and performance testing tool for web sites, applications and services.


The most flexible and cost effective performance testing software solution for enterprise load, performance, and stress testing. See why.


Katalon Studio enhances Selenium and Appium with a complete test automation framework that helps you start testing in no time.


Automate testing of software, web & mobile apps with an easy & intuitive codeless end-to-end test automation tool, TestingWhiz. Download 30-days free trial.


Attention! Recently, we updated the Watir website to be hosted on GitHub Pages. The existing and sites will no longer be maintained


Brakeman is a static analysis security vulnerability scanner for Ruby on Rails applications.


Broken links cost you business. Find & fix every 404 error your visitors encounter with SpringTrax. Sign up for a free 15-day trial.


Resource index site for the free HTTP performance test application OpenSTA.

Devexpress Testcafe

TestCafe is 100% web-based and loads in the same browser you are testing against.

Marathon Testing

Marathon and MarathonITE are  test automation tools for Java/Swing applications.


Load test your apps!

HTTP Test Tool

httest is a script based tool for testing and benchmarking web applications, web servers, proxy servers and web browsers.


Crowd security testing platform


LinkScan Finds Broken Links and Creates SiteMaps

Canoo Webtest

Canoo WebTest is a free Open Source tool for automated testing of web applications in a very effective way. Look at for a features' overview.

Testing Tools (10)


The Apiary platform is the only developer-centric solution with tooling for every stage of the API ... Big news for #api developers


BlazeMeter platform for load and performance testing enables dev and QA teams to run scalable and continuous testing for website, mobile, api and software


Zephyr's real-time Test Management solutions transform how development and QA teams of all sizes collaborate to release higher quality software on time.


We didn't invent testing, just a better way to manage it. See why 10,000+ users rely on QASymphony software testing, test case management and QA Tools.


Online test management tool, allowing you and your QA team to collaboratively manage test plans, requirements, test suites, test cases and test runs with ease.


XQual XStudio


Testuff is a software testing solutions vendor, offering its flagship tool for test management


Record professional Android UI tests in minutes. Robotium Recorder has full support for native and hybrid Android apps.


QMetry Open Quality Platform offers agile testing solutions for QA teams to automate testing. Use QMetry Test Management to shorten software testing cycles.

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