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Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.


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Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.

Featured Podcast 

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Django Chat Podcast

A weekly podcast on the Django Web Framework by Will Vincent and Carlton Gibson.

Django Tutorials (10)

Django Book

The Django Book - comprehensive Python Django Tutorials, easy to understand Django documentation and more!

Tango With Django

Tango With Django is a beginner's guide to Web Development using the popular Python Based Web Framework Django.

Marina Mele's site

Learn about Python and Django through detailed tutorials, and read a little about science and marketing.

Simple is Better Than Complex

This is a blog about Python, Django and Web Development. New posts every week.

Effective Django

After reading Effective Django you should have an understanding of how Django’s pieces fit together and how to use them to engineer web applications.

Django Admin Interface (3)

Django Suit

Django Suit - Modern theme for Django admin interface. Based on Twitter Bootstrap. Fully replaces original Django admin. Modern and professional design.

Grappelli Project

Grappelli Admin Interface

Django Jet Admin

Modern responsive template for the Django admin interface with improved functionality.

Django (7)

Django Rest Framework

Django REST framework is a powerful and flexible toolkit for building Web APIs.

Django CMS

The open-source CMS used by thousands of websites since 2007.

Django Snippets

Welcome to, a site for users of the Django web framework to come together and share useful "snippets" of reusable code.

Django Sites

The most comprehensive listing of websites that are powered by Django, the python web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

Haystack Search

Search doesn't have to be hard. Haystack lets you write your search code once and choose the search engine you want it to run on.

High Performance Django

High Performance Django - best practices for deploying stable, fast, and scalable Django sites.

Kevinastone Blog

Kevinstone's blog on Django, AngularJS, ElasticSearch and Python.

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