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39 Topics

WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL.

Wordpress Themes

Free download premium wordpress themes

Windows Tutorials

Websites for Windows tips and tutorials.


Website Builders

List of website builders.

Website Discovery

Portals that help people discover websites and explore the Internet.

Web Hosting

List of web hosting providers.

Web Browsers

Ultimate list of web browsers.

UI/UX & Design

A list of top websites to improve product design, user interface and user experience.

Startup Tools

Handy and useful tools for startups.

Startup Accelerators (official)

Startup accelerators with their official websites.

Software Downloads

Portals from where you can download softwares.


Productivity apps, websites, tools, tips, blogs and more.

Productivity Tools

Apps, software and technology that helps you be more productive in some way.

Operating Systems (desktop)

The dominant desktop operating system are Microsoft Windows, macOS & Linux.

Operating Systems

An operating system (OS) is system software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer programs.

Open Source

Websites and portals related to open source.


Free Web Hosting

List of free web hosting providers.


File Storage

File storage, file hosting and cloud storage solutions and apps.


Everything related to downloads.