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17 Lists
Business Intelligence (tools)

Tools and software related to business intelligence.

Regular Expressions (tools)

Developer tools to help you learn, build, debug and test regular expressions.

Cross-Browser Testing Tools

List of tools that help you test sites, blogs and web applications across different browsers and their versions.

Recommender Systems (open-source)

This list contains most of the non-SaaS recommender systems that are open-source.

Email Clients (android)

Android apps to send and receive emails.

Web Scraping (tools)

Web scraping (web harvesting or web data extraction) is data scraping used for extracting data from websites.

Free Stock Videos

List of free stock videos websites.

Subtitle Sync Tools

Helpful tools for easily syncing subtitles with the audio of movie, tv show or video file.

Subtitle Search Engines

Search engines exclusive for searching subtitle files on the web.