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22 Lists
Football Clubs

List of top Football Clubs official websites

Developer Communities

Popular online communities for developers.


Email Builders

Tools to build Beautiful emails, easy and fast. Drag and drop to customize, no coding required.

Email Follow-up (tools)

Tools that send friendly follow-up messages to your email recipients.

Music Magazines

Magazines including music news, interviews, photo shoots, essays, record reviews, concert reviews and occasionally have a cover-mount with recorded music.

Engineering Universities in the World

List of colleges of engineering in the world.

Wordpress Themes (free)

List of free Wordpress themes.

Job Portals (apps)

Find numerous job opportunities using these portals. Make use of these sites and hunt your next job.

Job Portals of Companies

Official job portals of companies.

Q&A Sites

Websites and apps for asking and answering questions on the web.

Subtitle Sync Tools

Helpful tools for easily syncing subtitles with the audio of movie, tv show or video file.


A hackathon (also known as a hack day, hackfest or codefest) is a design sprint-like event in which computer programmers are involved in software development.

IoT Development

Online resources and platforms for IoT development.