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49 Lists
Ministries of Government of India

Official websites of ministries of Government of India.

European Olympiads

List of European Olympiads.

Technical Festivals in NITs

This is a list of cultural and technical festivals held in National Institutes of Technology (NITs) throughout India.

Football Clubs

List of top Football Clubs official websites

Movies & TV Magazines

Find the latest film reviews, news and celebrity interviews, reviews awards, film festivals, box office, entertainment industry conferences.

Developer Blogs

Blogs and tutorials that cover everything related to developers.

Celebrity Magazines

Source for all the best celebrity magazines.

Personal Websites of Designers

List of personal websites of designers.

Engineering Universities in the World

List of colleges of engineering in the world.

Internship Portals (apps)

Portals for finding and applying for internships.

Car Pooling (apps)

Websites and apps for car pooling.

MBTI Blogs

Blogs related to MBTI personality test.

Blogging Tools

Tools & resources to help you find the right keywords, images & influencers for a blog.

Online Diary (apps)

Sites and apps where you can create and write your personal diary or journal.

Engineering Coaching Institutes

List of Coaching Institutes for Engineering Entrance Exams.

Email Clients (linux)

Desktop application software to send and receive emails on Linux.

Messaging Apps

Messaging apps and texting tools for internet users for having conversations with friends, family and otherwise.

Productivity Blogs

Blogs for productivity hacks and advice.