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34 Lists
People Biographies

Websites where you can learn more about famous people, notable people and celebrities.

Informatics Olympiads

List of popular Informatics & Computing Olympiad.

Services at IIT Kanpur

List of some of the essential services provided by IIT Kanpur.

IoT Development

Online resources and platforms for IoT development.

NIT Durgapur Startups

This is a list of companies founded by the alumni and students of NIT Durgapur.

Developer Podcasts

Websites for listening to developer podcasts.

CSS Preprocessors

A CSS preprocessor is a program that lets you generate CSS from the preprocessor's own unique syntax.

Movie News

See the latest movie news & rumors from the entertainment world & news on the movies you're most interested in seeing.

IIT Bombay Startups

A list of companies founded/co-founded by the alumni of IIT Bombay.

IIT Delhi Startups

List of companies founded/co-founded IIT Delhiites.

Appointments and Scheduling Software (business apps)

Business software to manage appointments and schedule of executives and professionals.

Email Clients (mac)

Desktop application software to send and receive emails on Mac.

Image Editing (apps)

Apps for editing images

Car Manufacturers

List of official websites of Car Manufacturers.

Indian Government Departments

List of official websites of Indian Government Departments.