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72 Lists
Reverse Email Search (tools)

Tools to find name and more information from an email address.

People Biographies

Websites where you can learn more about famous people, notable people and celebrities.

International Olympiads (Project Base)

List of Project Based International Olympiads.

Game Jams

A game jam is a hackathon for video games. A game jam may be centered on a theme, which all games developed within the jam must adhere to.

Student's Gymkhana IIT Kanpur

List of all the websites of various clubs under Student's Gymkhana IIT Kanpur.

Deans of IIT Kanpur

List of Official Websites of IIT Kanpur.

NIT Durgapur Startups

This is a list of companies founded by the alumni and students of NIT Durgapur.

Horse Magazines

Websites of all the top Horse Magazines.

Remote Jobs

Apply to Millions of job opportunities across top companies away from the office in a remote location.

E-Cells of IITs

E-Cells of various IITs promotes the spirit of entrepreneurship among students & brings out the entrepreneurial flair in students.

Q&A Sites

Websites and apps for asking and answering questions on the web.

Webmail Providers

Email service providers that use web as the interface. They manage all email servers and provide a webmail interface to users for sending and receiving emails.

Email Newsletters

Tools for Email Newsletters. Build, test and send newsletters to your customers.

Reservation & Online Booking Software (business apps)

Software for businesses to manage their online booking and reservation processes.

Indian Government Departments

List of official websites of Indian Government Departments.

Engineering Blogs of Companies

A list of engineering blogs of popular tech companies and start-ups.

Unicorn Startups (companies)

An ongoing list of unicorn companies from all over the world valued at $1B or more.