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24 Lists
Technical Festivals in NITs

This is a list of cultural and technical festivals held in National Institutes of Technology (NITs) throughout India.

Animal Rights Organizations

A list of official websites of Animal Rights Organisations.

Engineering Universities in the World

List of colleges of engineering in the world.

Movie News

See the latest movie news & rumors from the entertainment world & news on the movies you're most interested in seeing.

IIT Delhi Startups

List of companies founded/co-founded IIT Delhiites.

Job Portals of Companies

Official job portals of companies.

Car Pooling (apps)

Websites and apps for car pooling.

Music Making (apps)

Tools and software for composing music.

Auto Expos

Automotive shows of the world.

Social Networking Sites

A list of all popular social networks and social media platforms. These are the sites and apps that help that world connect and share.

Graphic Design Tools

Graphic design tools and softwares for image editing and creating infographics.

Engineering Blogs of Companies

A list of engineering blogs of popular tech companies and start-ups.

Programming Contests

List of Organizations hosting programming competitions on a regular basis.

Magazines Search

Platforms where you can search magazines of your interests.