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49 Lists
Agricultural Companies

Agriculture companies work on cultivation and breeding of animals, plants, seeds, fiber, biofuel, medicinal plants and other products used.

Online Legal Services

Sites, apps and startups providing online legal services for firms and individuals.

Real Estate (Apps & Portals)

Buy, Sell & Rent Properties on these sites and apps.

Real Estate (companies)

Real Estate, Housing, Realty and Urban Development Companies.

Photography Tools

Tools and software related to photography.

Time Tracking (apps)

Tools and apps that can help you track and manage your time.

Services at IIT Kanpur

List of some of the essential services provided by IIT Kanpur.

Celebrity Match

Find out which celebrity you look like!

Indian Olympiad Organisations

List of Olympiad Organisations which coordinates all the Olympiads.

State Police Services (India)

The State Police Services (SPS) are police services under the control of respective state governments of the States and territories of India.

Aerospace Companies

Companies that are involved in the various aspects of designing, building, testing, selling, and maintaining aircraft, aircraft parts, missiles, rockets, etc.

Email Frameworks

Popular HTML Frameworks to quickly develop beautiful HTML emails

Marketing Emails

Tools that can be used for sending marketing and promotional emails at scale.

Email Clients (android)

Android apps to send and receive emails.