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39 Lists
Environmental Organizations

Official websites of the top environmental organizations.


What's the weather?

Business Magazines

Official sites of online and offline business magazine companies.

Java Frameworks

A list of Java Frameworks.

Construction Companies

A list of construction and infrastructure companies.

Resume Writing Services

List of companies that offer resume writing services.

Ministries of Government of India

Official websites of ministries of Government of India.

Instant Personal Loan (apps)

A curated list of apps for instant personal loans.

Indian Olympiad Organisations

List of Olympiad Organisations which coordinates all the Olympiads.

Deployment Tools

Deployment tools and software for web applications

Student Search IITK

Automated Student Search Websites of IITK. It contains the updated information of students.

Technical Festivals in NITs

This is a list of cultural and technical festivals held in National Institutes of Technology (NITs) throughout India.

IIT Kanpur Engineering Departments

All of the academic engineering departments at IIT Kanpur.