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24 Lists
News (official)

Latest news and live updates on politics, arts, entertainment, events in World sports and other feature stories.

Jewellery (online shopping)

Sites that sell jewellery.

Ruby Gems

Javascript Frameworks (official)

A list of javascript frameworks.

URL Shorteners

A list of public URL shortening services. Shorten long URLs and see key metrics about your shared links.

NITK Startups

A list of 100+ companies, all founded by NITKians.

People Biographies

Websites where you can learn more about famous people, notable people and celebrities.

Student's Gymkhana IIT Kanpur

List of all the websites of various clubs under Student's Gymkhana IIT Kanpur.

Deans of IIT Kanpur

List of Official Websites of IIT Kanpur.

Student Search IITK

Automated Student Search Websites of IITK. It contains the updated information of students.

IIT Kanpur Sciences Departments

All of the academic sciences departments at IIT Kanpur.

IIT Delhi Startups

List of companies founded/co-founded IIT Delhiites.