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20 Lists
Email Clients (webmail)

Webmail (or web-based email) is any email client implemented as a web application running on a web server.

Youtube Video Downloaders

Free YouTube downloaders will let you save videos from the world's biggest video hosting site, ready to watch offline later whenever you want.

Anonymous Messaging Apps

Anonymous feedback and messaging apps or websites. Create and spread your personal feedback URL to gather anonymous and honest feedback about you.

CSS Preprocessors

A CSS preprocessor is a program that lets you generate CSS from the preprocessor's own unique syntax.

Recommender Systems (SaaS)

A list of SaaS tools that allow you to push content recommendation to your users and enable personalization based on user interests.

Law Universities in the World

List of universities for law degrees in the World.

Business News

Get all the Latest Business News, Economy News, banking news, market news, all business top headlines.

Business Magazines

Official sites of online and offline business magazine companies.

Online Code Editors

Sites for coding, compiling and running computer programs online.

Social Networking Sites

A list of all popular social networks and social media platforms. These are the sites and apps that help that world connect and share.