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48 Lists
Subtitle Converters (tools)

Convert file formats of subtitle files using these free tools.

Antivirus (software)

List of all anti-virus and security software.

Jewellery (online shopping)

Sites that sell jewellery.

Business News

Get all the Latest Business News, Economy News, banking news, market news, all business top headlines.

Personal Websites of Athletes

Websites of sportsman or sportswoman who are good at their sport.

NITK Departments

List of all departments of NITK Surathkal

Medical Universities in the World

List of Medical Universities all over the World.

PHP Frameworks

A List of PHP Frameworks.

Python Newsletters

List of Python Newsletters that will help you stay updated.


List of official websites of National Law Universities (NLUs) in India

Cloud Service Providers

Enjoy the power of the cloud with these services.

Online Legal Advice

Platforms that give you free or paid online legal advice.

UI Inspiration

Curated list of sites for UI Inspiration.