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50 Lists
Internship Portals (apps)

Portals for finding and applying for internships.

Social Networking Sites

A list of all popular social networks and social media platforms. These are the sites and apps that help that world connect and share.

Wordpress Themes (free)

List of free Wordpress themes.

Blogging Platforms

The best blogging sites and publishing platforms on the internet today.

Python Podcasts

Popular Python podcasts for learning new concepts and stay updated.

State Police Services (India)

The State Police Services (SPS) are police services under the control of respective state governments of the States and territories of India.

MBTI Personality Tests

Best sites for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality tests.

Movie Tickets (sites)

Websites for Online booking of movie ticket, Theatres near you & Showtimes.

Deployment Tools

Deployment tools and software for web applications

Fashion Magazines

Websites of the most famous magazines all over the world.

CSS Preprocessors

A CSS preprocessor is a program that lets you generate CSS from the preprocessor's own unique syntax.

Notes Gallery of IIT Kanpur

All the Study Materials You Need to Excel at IIT Kanpur.

Football Clubs

List of top Football Clubs official websites

Email Clients (mac)

Desktop application software to send and receive emails on Mac.

Environmental Organizations

Official websites of the top environmental organizations.

Email Builders

Tools to build Beautiful emails, easy and fast. Drag and drop to customize, no coding required.

Books (online shopping)

Sites that sell books.

Multi Sports Events

Sites related to multi sport events (organized sports events, often held over multiple days, featuring different sports).

Free Stock Photos

List of free stock photographs sites.

Resume Writing Services

List of companies that offer resume writing services.

Reverse Email Search (tools)

Tools to find name and more information from an email address.