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Real Python Alternatives

Explore popular alternatives of Real Python at one place, all suggested and ranked by the CybrHome user community.
Real Python Alternatives in Django Tutorials Logo
Full Stack Python

Full Stack Python explains programming concepts in plain language and provides links to the best tutorials for those topics. Logo
Django Book

The Django Book - comprehensive Python Django Tutorials, easy to understand Django documentation and more! Logo
Tango With Django

Tango With Django is a beginner's guide to Web Development using the popular Python Based Web Framework Django. Logo
Marina Mele's site

Learn about Python and Django through detailed tutorials, and read a little about science and marketing. Logo
Simple is Better Than Complex

This is a blog about Python, Django and Web Development. New posts every week. Logo
Effective Django

After reading Effective Django you should have an understanding of how Django’s pieces fit together and how to use them to engineer web applications. Logo
Two Scoops of Django

The book about best practices in Django, Two Scoops of Django 1.11 has been revised, updated, and expanded. Logo
Django Documentation (Official)

The Official Django Documentation. It covers everything you need to know about Django. Logo
Ultimate Django

Ultimate Django is an online coding course packed with helpful resources that will take you from beginner to intermediate Django development. Logo
Django for Beginners

Learn how to develop and deploy real, production-level web applications with Python and Django. And explore Django Rest Framework for building modern web APIs. Logo
Django Girls Tutorial

Django Framework tutorial for beginners by Django Girls.

Real Python Alternatives in Python Tutorials Logo
Python for Everybody Course

Python for Everybody course by Charles Severance will introduce fundamental programming concepts using the Python programming language. Logo
Learn Python The Hard Way

Learn Python The Hard Way is the most successful beginner programming book on the market, Read by 1.5 million people a year to learn the basics of programming. Logo
Python Programming

Python Programming tutorials from beginner to advanced on a massive variety of topics. All video and text tutorials are free. Logo
Automate The Boring Stuff

Learn how in Automate the Boring Stuff with Python. Note: The programs in this book are written to run on Python 3. Table of Contents. Logo
Learn Python is a free interactive Python tutorial for people who want to learn Python, fast. Logo
Python 3 Tutorial - SoloLearn

The SoloLearn Learn Python Course covers Python Basics, Data Types, Control Structures, Functions and Modules, Exceptions, Working with Files, Functional Progra Logo
Full Stack Python

Full Stack Python explains programming concepts in plain language and provides links to the best tutorials for those topics. Logo
Official Python Tutorial

This tutorial introduces the reader informally to the basic concepts and features of the Python language and system. Logo
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python

This guide provides both novice and expert Python developers a best practice handbook to the installation, configuration, and usage of Python on a daily basis. Logo
Dive Into Python 3

Dive Into Python 3 covers Python 3 and its differences from Python 2. Logo
A Byte of Python

"A Byte of Python" is a free book on programming using the Python language. It serves as a tutorial or guide to the Python language for a beginner audience.

Similar Websites Logo
Python for Everybody Course

Python for Everybody course by Charles Severance will introduce fundamental programming concepts using the Python programming language. Logo
Learn Python The Hard Way

Learn Python The Hard Way is the most successful beginner programming book on the market, Read by 1.5 million people a year to learn the basics of programming. Logo
Python Programming

Python Programming tutorials from beginner to advanced on a massive variety of topics. All video and text tutorials are free. Logo
Automate The Boring Stuff

Learn how in Automate the Boring Stuff with Python. Note: The programs in this book are written to run on Python 3. Table of Contents. Logo
Learn Python is a free interactive Python tutorial for people who want to learn Python, fast. Logo
Python 3 Tutorial - SoloLearn

The SoloLearn Learn Python Course covers Python Basics, Data Types, Control Structures, Functions and Modules, Exceptions, Working with Files, Functional Progra Logo
Full Stack Python

Full Stack Python explains programming concepts in plain language and provides links to the best tutorials for those topics. Logo
Django Book

The Django Book - comprehensive Python Django Tutorials, easy to understand Django documentation and more!

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