Wattpad is the best place to read and share stories.
The popular Q&A platform launches their version of AMA's
Beautiful proposal software made for agencies
Interactive storytelling platform for publishers
Make a living as a hand lettering artist.
Real time editing and design system for ANY WordPress theme
The last markdown editor, ever
Professionally designed books in seconds
Library of PowerPoint slides to kickstart your presentation.
Don't stop typing, or all progress will be lost.
Blogging made simple.
The dead simple inline editor toolbar
A tool for writing daily. Become a better writer.
Spell checker for gender bias and more
See which famous writer you write like
Promote your product with postcards
A professional, web-based proposal builder.
A rich text editor for everyday writing
Collaborative joke-writing
Catch insensitive, inconsiderate writing
Real handwriting without the pen – no robots, all software
Get Medium style annotations on your site
The easiest way for teams to write together.
An elegant writing tool for web
For all those people who find it more convenient to bother you with their question rather than google it for themselves.
Hacker Typer makes you look like you actually know something about coding.
A funny website filled with funny videos, pics, articles, and a whole bunch of other funny stuff. Cracked.com, celebrating 50 years of humor.
Pinterest is a visual discovery tool that you can use to find ideas for all your projects and interests.
Memrise is an online learning tool with courses created by its community. Its courses are mainly used to teach language.
YouNow is the best way to watch and broadcast interactive live stream videos.