RealTimes automatically creates beautiful Stories from your photos & videos. Edit them, share albums, and relive moments on any device. Get it free today!
UMPlayer is a multi-format media player that’s based on MPlayer. It opens almost every known audio and video format, and is very light on system resources.
64-bit versions of the test distribution PotPlayer ( is the international portal for GOM Software. Information, Updates, and free downloads for GOM Media Player and GOM Video Converter.
Free media player for Windows with built-in codecs and support for Youtube. Plays all video formats (AVI, MKV, MP4, WMV...) No codecs needed. Official site.
RealTimes automatically creates beautiful Stories from your photos & videos. Edit them, share albums, and relive moments on any device. Get it free today!
UMPlayer is a multi-format media player that’s based on MPlayer. It opens almost every known audio and video format, and is very light on system resources.
64-bit versions of the test distribution PotPlayer (
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