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Javascript Libraries

Javascript Libraries

Javascript libraries that help in faster development like jQuery, Modernizer etc.

ReactJS Tutorials (15)

ReactJS Online Training - Tutorialspoint

ReactJS Online Training - ReactJS Online Training - ReactJS, Introduction, Environment Setup Through NPM, JSX, Getting Started, Components, Multiple Components

The Beginner's Guide to React - Egghead

React got that name for a reason. It’s a component-based JavaScript library that renders smartly and can seriously simplify your work.

Start Learning React - Egghead

React is a "javascript library for building user interfaces" from the fine folks at Facebook & Instagram.

Javascript Libraries (13)


jQuery: The Write Less, Do More, JavaScript Library


Official jQuery user interface library. It provides interactions, widgets, effects, and theming for creating Rich Internet Applications.


Aims to make realtime apps possible in every browser and mobile device, blurring the differences between the different transport mechanisms.


Modernizr is an open-source JavaScript library that helps you build the next generation of HTML5 and CSS3-powered websites.


Provides 80+ functions that support both the usual functional suspects: map, filter, invoke — as well as more specialized helpers: function binding, JavaScript


A Toolkit by the Dojo Foundation featuring DHTML and AJAX functions.


MooTools is a collection of JavaScript utilities designed for the intermediate to advanced JavaScript developer.


Velocity.js: An incredibly fast animation engine for motion designers.


PixiJS - The HTML5 Creation Engine. Create beautiful digital content with the fastest, most flexible 2D WebGL renderer.


Prototype 1.7.3. The new bugfix release of Prototype features lots of tiny fixes and one giant change under the hood.


Unit.js was designed to provide the essential tools for writing unit tests with fun and qualities.

ReactJS (Official Website)

A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.


<img src="docs/mobx.

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